Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year Resolution
P.S. lots of christmas details coming soon!
Monday, December 22, 2008
I'll Be Home for Christmas
Things from now on are going to be really crazy! SO if I don't get all of you told! Merry Christmas! Hope everyone has a great one!
Monday, December 08, 2008
Christmas Time!
We got to sit in the old tabernacle - this ALWAYS brings back tons of memories because of how many times I've been in here - and how many people I've been there with! Good times!
All in all it was a great date night with the hubby! It's kind of funny because Ty and I hadn't had a date night w/o Dylan since he was born. Then when we were down in New Mexico for Thanksgiving (I forgot my camera) we had the chance to go see a movie. It was so strange! And since then we have had 2 other times for it to be just us without the babe!
Anywho - I hope everyone is enjoying this Christmas season - and yes - soon you will be getting a Christmas Card from me!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My New Obsession
Couponing 101
"Deal"icious Mom
Survivng The Stores
Mommy Making Money
These are just a few - but there will be enough info there to get you hooked! I'm actually headed out to Walgreen's to stock up on stuff! Happy couponing!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Playing Catch Up!

And Christina is probably going to kill me for this one but we were so delirious from lack of sleep that we were having WAY too much fun! All in all it was a fun night!
Now this next week we have Thanksgiving coming up and a trip to New Mexico - so I will be sure and take more pic's!
Monday, November 10, 2008
ALSO - crazy random - I got stung by a November. The little guy got we twice on my neck. I started feeling dizzy and tingalee so we went to the E.R. and they gave me Benadryl and some steroids. I usually have really bad allergic reactions - but since it has been so cold etc. the little guy didn't have enough venom - hence why I had only a mild reaction. Now - my neck just feels like I have a huge bruise on it. I REALLY DO HATE BEE'S!!!!
ANY WHO - that was my fun RANDOM weekend!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Our Weekend Fun!
Then on Saturday (after our trip to Old Navy) We came home a Ty installed carpet in Dylan's room! I was so excited cause now I can sneak in and check on him w/o waking him up - and if Timber goes in on accident......Dylan will sleep right through it. We also have carpet in our room - which can I tell you - after YEARS of hardwood floors I never want them again! ANY WHO - hope everyone else had a great weekend!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I Can't Believe It!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Husband Tag
First time we met was in a dark basement....true story. My friend was dating one of his friends and it was like a get together. We talked for alittle and then I left (because I was interested in another of the boys there) It was about a week later when we went bowling and bumped into each other again - and he asked me for my number!
2.How long did you date before you were married?
2 and 1/2 years! We weren't about to rush into anything! ;)
3.How long have you been married for?
3 years and 2 months baby!
4. What does he do that surprises you?
How sensitive he can be sometimes. He is this manly man - and then out of no where he'll be the biggest softy EVER! I love it!
5.What is your favorite quality about him?
Well, the above mentioned AND that he makes me laugh EVERY day! It's the best!
6.Does he have a nickname for you?
Babe, Sweetheart - you know the usual. Although it is weird to hear him call me by name!
7.What's his favorite color? Green and Orange
8. What's his favorite food?
Mexican - I always joke with him that he is half Mexican - or that he was Mexican in another life. He is all about the spices and how hot it can get!
9. What's his favorite sport?
He loves all sports but I would say that it is a tie between Baseball and Football.
10. Who said "I love you" first?
That would be me!
11.When and where was your first kiss?
That would be on our second date - in the dark basement we first met - while watching Dumb and Dumber.....yeah romantic!
12. What's your favorite thing to do as a couple?
EVERYTHING - seriously we have a fun time doing everything together!
13.Do you have kids? How many?
We have 1 little boy - Dylan and 1 crazy Beagle Timber......he feels like he is one of our kids.
14.What's a hidden talent he has?
He's a really good singer! :)
15. How old is he?
16. What's his favorite type of music?
Country, rap, or hard rock...........take your pick
17. What do you admire most about him?
Everything! That's why you marry them.......right?
18.What's his favorite pastime?
The Boys - his forever friends in Wisconsin
19. Will he read this?
Not unless I tell him too! He's not too good with computers.......although he told me he was a computer geek at one!
Alrighty now I tag.... Kara, Kirsten, and Melody!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pumpkin Land
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
15 Months!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Calling All My Ladies!
Monday, October 06, 2008
I'm A Slacker
A little while ago we went to the Corn Maze at Thanksgivin Point. We ended up getting in for 2 bucks! And had TONS of fun! I would recommend everyone to go there.
All of this has made Timber tierd!
Other than that we've just been busy with life. It was good to relax this last weekend and listen to Conferance!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Winds of Change
Dylan! He really is a little boy now! And he is so smart! I'm sure every mother thinks there kid is smart - so maybe I'm just a mom - but this little guy amazes me daily. He's starting to copy cat us. He'll say words.....when he wants to. AND I've been teaching him sign language and he's been learning it......and remembering it! Today was Please! And instead of just rubbing his upper chest - he does a full chest/tummy rub - I LOVE IT! Any who - life is great!
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Funeral
We got to Nampa that afternoon - ran some errands and then out to my mom's place. My mom lives away from it all - and it is a long trip into town just to go to Target - so once we were out there - we had no cell phone coverage and we were about a good half hour away from everything. Made it crazy but it was good.
I had told my sister (Lucretia) that I wanted to make the program's for the funeral. So we got to work on those. Celeste loved to scrapbook - so it only seemed right that we scrapbook the program. This is how it ended up looking.
I think everything turned out exactly how she wanted it to be. We got home last night- and are happy to be home!
Monday, September 15, 2008
In Loving Memory

I got to talk with her on Friday - she helped me decide what I should make for dinner! There had been a couple other times we talked and it was so nice to hear her voice. A few days ago she even left me a voicemail telling me to have a nice day and that everything was ok. So that's what I plan to do - have a nice day and know that everything is ok!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Happy Birthday to Tyler Jon
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Big Boy!
Friday, September 05, 2008
I Have Grand-Puppies!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sooner Then's all going to come out!
So here's the story!
The day after my birthday I learned that my sister has cancer. It took a week or so to find out that it was terminal. ANY WHO - the trip I took over to Denver the other week was to see her. For the last time. I've dealt with death a lot due to my profession - but it still didn't make it easy. It was good though. I got my closer that I needed - and I will alway and forever be able to remember her happy to see me!
I've had a little bit to prepare myself for this next week - but please keep me, my sister Celeste, and my family in your prayers.