Sunday, September 07, 2008

Big Boy!

It's no big surprize that Dylan is growing - BUT this last week it seems that he is becoming more and more like a little boy and not a baby boy! He's decided that he doesn't like ANY baby food - including fruit and dinner's that he use to love. He will also go to sleep with hardly any crying AND he is walking around everywhere!
We also got him some shoes that we can throw on him really quick as we are going out the door. HE LOVES THEM! If he isn't wearing them he will carry them around. SOOOO cute!
AND he has also become daddy's little helper. We had a little bbq and Dylan wanted to help dad with the fire! He's such a little man!


Kara said...

Aw, he is so cute!

Christina said...

Wow! He is walking better than he was when we went to Denver. What a few weeks can do for a walker!