Friday, September 26, 2008

Winds of Change

It seems like just over night summer ran away and fall walked in! Where was I??? :) This picture was taken of our tree in the front yard! I also have leaves on the ground that I could rake! This kind of weather is great in the evenings! Not so much in the mornings! Another thing that has been changing around our house......without my permission is....

Dylan! He really is a little boy now! And he is so smart! I'm sure every mother thinks there kid is smart - so maybe I'm just a mom - but this little guy amazes me daily. He's starting to copy cat us. He'll say words.....when he wants to. AND I've been teaching him sign language and he's been learning it......and remembering it! Today was Please! And instead of just rubbing his upper chest - he does a full chest/tummy rub - I LOVE IT! Any who - life is great!


kirstensworld said...

How exciting! And don't worry, I never miss a chance to brag about how smart my kids are either! Thats what moms are supose to do!

Christine said...

How cute! I've heard that teaching your kids sign language can really help them with their communication skills and help them from not getting frustrated. What a great Mommy you are!

Jess M said...

We still need to have a playdate. I love sign language, you can teach a 3-6 mo to sign, but we started Ky at 6 or 7 mo. My MIL taught her 'apple' for 'cookie' oops, but instead Ky twists her ear for all cookies and snacks, lol. Dylan is growin so fast. What are you using of signing? We have Baby Einsteins 'My First Signs', but we need more, but haven't looked yet. Have you taught him 'cereal' or 'story' yet, those are funny to watch kids sign. Lol. Keep up the good work, you are such a cute lil mommy.