Wednesday, February 25, 2009

17 Weeks!

I've been telling everyone that I feel like my belly is growing daily! And here is the proof! This is the same shirt I was wearing in the last pic. - can you tell a differance! and that is just 2 weeks! Its getting a little harder to do the whole bend over and pick things up - and the up and down routine of life! But that is just what comes with the territory. Last night after Ty took this picture - He said "I'm so glad I'm not a women! Cause being pregnant just doesn't look comfortable!" Amen to that one!!! But it is all worth it in the end......right! Just kidding! Any who - more picture's about Dylan, Timber, and Ty to come!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Pray for Lindsay!

Yesterday I got a call from my best friend Kirsten that she had taken her new little baby girl Lindsay to the E.R. and that they were Life Fighting Lindsay down to Salt Lake City for observation! I guess what happened is that Lindsay had a little cold that turned into a whole lot more. When they were about to take off from Jackson Lindsay starting having a hard time breathing and they had to inti-bate her. She is now at Primary Children's Hospital with the best care - and Kirsten, Dusty, and the grandma's are staying in my sister's condo in SLC to be close. Please keep Kirsten, Dusty, and Lindsay in your prayers!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Oh Boy Oh Boy

You read it right! 2 Boys are headed to our house!!!!

Yesturday I was at work and I got a call from my doc saying that she could get me inat 2:15 for a ultrasound - totally off the record - just for fun to see what I was having! So I rushed over there on my lunch - met Ty and Dylan - and got the news. Baby B is right up front and wanted his picture taken so the pic above is of him. Baby A is more behind him and likes to shy away from the camera! :) ANY WHO - I now don't have to do as much shopping- which is a relief!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Belly!

15 WEEKS I had Ty just hurry and take a pic - so I can show everyone!
He insisted on the close up of the belly! Had an appointment today and we are right on track - Even though my stomach is measuring at 20 weeks - but hey there are two little people in there! Hopefully next week we can find out what we are having and we can start shopping!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

It's Potty Time

ADVISORY: This is a total BLACKMAIL picture when Dylan get's older!
I've been thinking about the fact that with twins coming - there is going to be A LOT of diapers in my house - and one way of cutting back on it - is to potty train Dylan. AND - today we had success! I know this is going to be a long process - but at least we got started on the right foot! We have about 6 more months to hopefully have him dry through out the day! Cross your fingers for me - and give me any pointers!