Wednesday, February 25, 2009

17 Weeks!

I've been telling everyone that I feel like my belly is growing daily! And here is the proof! This is the same shirt I was wearing in the last pic. - can you tell a differance! and that is just 2 weeks! Its getting a little harder to do the whole bend over and pick things up - and the up and down routine of life! But that is just what comes with the territory. Last night after Ty took this picture - He said "I'm so glad I'm not a women! Cause being pregnant just doesn't look comfortable!" Amen to that one!!! But it is all worth it in the end......right! Just kidding! Any who - more picture's about Dylan, Timber, and Ty to come!


Kara said...

Yep, I can see a difference from your last pic :) I can't even imagine how uncomfy you will be by the end lol.

Christine said...

With growing two babies instead of one, things will get alot bigger alot faster! I'm excited for you and wish you the best and hope things go well!

Jess M said...

Poor Adalynn, it's only going to get worse, lol. Some say people get bigger with the second pregnancy and well since you are carrying twins, poor you. Enjoy these numbered days of being able to see your feet, lol. Maybe Ty should be prepared to start painting your toes, putting on your shoes and shaving your legs, lol. Hopefully the doouble bundles of joy don't equal to double the sickness.

kirstensworld said...

Wow! You look even bigger than just a few days ago! You poor thing! I hope that time fly's for you. You look great, so keep up the good work! Love you, and ps thank you for everything last week!

Jess M said...

Hey hope you can get some use out of those coupons. I should hang on to more of them. Usually if I don't use them they get thrown out.
Did you like the lotion from VS? I just got 2 totes, 1 is medium sized canvas and the other is vinyl and HUGE. Lol. Have you been to IKEA? I went there today and got Ky a bunch of tuperware like plastic plates, cups, bowls and flatware for $2 for each set
(6 pieces, except 18 for flatware). It's my new fave store of the month, lol.