I've been thinking about the fact that with twins coming - there is going to be A LOT of diapers in my house - and one way of cutting back on it - is to potty train Dylan. AND - today we had success! I know this is going to be a long process - but at least we got started on the right foot! We have about 6 more months to hopefully have him dry through out the day! Cross your fingers for me - and give me any pointers!
Good luck! Jason wasn't PTd until 3.5yrs and Jakey is 2.5 and not even close. Sigh. I feel like I'll be changing diapers forever lol. My advice is to expect setbacks, with Jason he'd do fine for a week or two then go back to having accidents every single time, over and over until suddenly he just got it.
With Anna we went back and forth a couple times, but we had a lot of changes in our life and that always screws things up. When we finally got her doing it in Aug, we let her have a few days without Pull ups. Yes we had a few accidents, but in three days she was doing really well and after about a week she was almost 100%. Lots of talk about the potty. Lots of practice and willingness to let her make those mistakes.
Good luck. When Ky was 15 mo she would slap our leg and grunt, we'd ask if she had to go to the bathroom and she would take of running to the toilet and do her thing. Yeah that lasted all of August and then no more. Of course that was when we had her in pull-ups, which are lots more than diapers considering she can still fit into Huggies 1-2. We will go back to pull-ups soon, she has a small training potty but thinks its a booster seat, lol.
At least with boys you can throw fruit loops or cherrios in toilet and have him aim for the center of them and make a fun game while getting the aim down. Lucky boys.
I got a potty training dvd free in mail like 6 mo or more ago but still have yet to watch it.
Keep us posted on any helpfull ideas
Adalynn, good luck with the training, you'll have to give me hints when I come to that stage with Sammy! One thing my mom did with us, though that seemed to work well is she would keep a container of candies in the bathroom by the potty and every time we would go, we would get one candie. If we told Mommy we needed to go and did in time, then we got two.
OMG! Dylan looks so cute! We got Haylee a potty chair just to intorduce it to her. She sat on it for a min and then that was that. She thinks that her panties are cool though. I am in no rush to potty train. Maybe after Mason is born and she is use to him and talking more then I will try. I had 3 in diapers for a little while and it does suck. My sugestion would be... go cold turkey. No diapers, No pull up's, even to bed. Q2 toileting for a week... including nights. B&B training. You know the drill!
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