Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My New Obsession

K - so I've been so excited about this lately - that I feel that I need to share it! It has seriously saved Ty and I TONS of money. It COUPONING!!! Everytime I go to the grocery store I save AT LEAST 50% plus! No lie! Call me crazy - but it's awesome. Especially in these economic times - it's worth the time that it takes to cut the coupon's and then look through the ads. There are actually some websites that will do all that work for you. Here are some of the blogs and site's that I watch to see what deals are going on.

Couponing 101
"Deal"icious Mom
Survivng The Stores
Mommy Making Money

These are just a few - but there will be enough info there to get you hooked! I'm actually headed out to Walgreen's to stock up on stuff! Happy couponing!

1 comment:

Nicolette said...

I'm officailly obsessed. My husband almost thought I was cool when I got the free $5 gas cards.