Saturday, August 18, 2007

G is for Green Bay Packers

Never did I think that people could actually LOVE a game/sport until I went to Wisconsin for the first time. Coming from a state that doesn't have one pro team - and from a family of mostly girls - I never REALLY got into sports until I met Ty. And then I was kind of FORCED to enjoy sports - especially the Green Bay Packers. A few years ago when we went out there for Christmas - Ty took me to a game. We actually got really good seats off of eBay - and we had tons of fun. Here are a few pic's of that cold but fun day!Ty wanted to make sure I got a pic. of the GREAT Brett Favre!
Out side of the stadium!
Trying to stay warm. It gets as cold as Rexburg out there!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.