Friday, August 17, 2007

F is for Friends

Through out my short life I have felt blessed to have found a handful of true friends. What is a true friend you might ask. Well it is a person that loves you for who you are not what you are - and will always be there no matter the distance, time, or space that might come between you and them. If I could I would post pictures from my high school days because that is where I met most of these true friends of mine. I have moved A LOT through out my life. Mostly when I was younger. So I never got the chance to have a friend that I've known since I was in 1st grade etc. To tell you the truth I am jealous of anyone who stayed in one or two houses while growing up. BUT because I am talking about friends I want to tell you about SOME of my true friends.

NICKY - She happens to be my oldest true friend. 10 years! We met our sophomore year of High School - in our debate class. SHE IS AMAZING. Even though I was the new girl in school she became my friend - and honestly changed my life. Before I met her I was on the wrong track - hadn't gone too far on the wrong track - but she saved me. She taught me that being a nerd was cool! :) In college she would come and kidnap me, blind-fold me, stuff me in the back of her Subaru and do doughnuts in some random parking lot to relieve the pressure of finals! :)
In my eyes she is now an amazing mother and person! She is so strong in standing up for what she believes is right. She is an amazing cook, seamstress, vocalist, and dreamer! I hope to be more like her!

DOROTHY - She came into my life about the same time that Nicky did! Her sense of humor and wild and crazy side always made me smile. And also made it easy to be her friend. When in high school we were on the same dance team. Her perfection in every move she made was awesome. In college she shared the love of snowboarding with me. And stayed by my side (even though I can't remember it) when I fell and hit my head......really hard. She has also blossomed into a incredible mother of 2.5 kids and wife. She is fearless - and I admire her.

KIRSTEN - Has been an amazing friend to me. For a while she and I were connected at the hip. We were practically the same person but in two bodies. BUT then we graduated and our lives separated. She got married - I went to college. I moved away - and she stayed. But we would always call each other and keep up to date on each others lives. I won't lie - she had it a lot harder then I did. She and I have gone through some very hard times together. We have laughed A LOT, cried quite a bit, and talked about life all night long. She is an amazing mother of 2 kids that make me laugh. We have made 1,000 memories together - and hopefully more. And even though we seem to be exact opposites of each other now - I love her. I see the person inside of her - and I'll be friends with her forever.

I would go on about my other true friends. BUT I have to run clean Dylan up, walk the dog, and go take Ty to a Dr's appointment. AND I have about a half hour to do that. When I get time I will write more.

1 comment:

Nicolette said...

You ding bat! You're not supposed to make people cry. Love Ya too!