Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Stupid People!

Grrrrrrrrrr! So - everyone knows that I lost my cell phone! It's been terrible living without it the past week or so! I lost it at the hospital - just as I was checking out. Since I knew I had lost it there I talked with the nurses, gave a report to lost and found, AND had Ty stop by the hospital and see if he could find someone who knew about it. OF COURSE nothing turned up. So - today I decided to check our cell phone account. Well - someone found my phone and decided to start calling Mexico on it. They have charged about $150 in international phone calls and text messaging. Which my cell phone company told me I have to pay. AND they have also used most of our minutes - which we can't get reimburssed. I've filed a police report and am filing a complaint with the hospital (I'm pretty sure it was one of the cleaning ladies). I have all the phone numbers they called - and am hoping to get someone fired! <- I'm really mad! It is mind blowing how stupid people can be. I'm just glad that I found out about it. I can only imagine what our bill would look like if I wouldn't of checked our account! I'll let everyone know when I get my number back. In the mean time......Grrrrrrrrrrr!


Nicolette said...

Holy Crap! That's beyond not cool. I hope you gave the cell company what for too.

Angela S said...

DO NOT PAY IT! Well don't let it go to collections but file a police report, put a fraud alert out and search online for the website that has CEO phone numbers and call your carrier's ceo every day until they take these charges off your account. It is identity theft and there should be a way around it. I would investigate some options to get out of the bill too. Anyway when I worked at Cingular they had a fraud department that caught things like this and never made the person pay when a fraud incident happened.