Monday, July 02, 2007

Story Time

So - for all of you that I haven't called.....I AM SORRY! For the first couple of days I was completely out of it - and now - I've lost my cell phone some how so this is me calling everyone and telling you how it went.
Wednesday of last week (27th) I was sent to the hospital to get some testing done. One of the tests was to see how much Amniotic Fluid I had. They like the score to be 6 or higher and I was at a 4. With that failing score they decided to induce me. So at about 4 o'clock that afternoon they started my labor. As the night progessed so did my contractions. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be - but bad enough that I couldn't get comfortable OR sleep. At 4:30 the next morning they started the Pitocin. I still wasn't progressing though - so my dr came over to "find my cervix" <- long story - and to break my water. I was told that it wasn't going to feel good AT ALL - and that the dr. was telling me to get a Epidural. So like a good patient I listened - and about a half hour after I got the epidural (8:30) I got my water broke (9:00) and found out I was only at a 2!!!! It seems like as soon as they did that we started having problems with Dylan's heart. I had a AWESOME nurse that had went through almost the same thing with her baby 3 months before - so she knew exactly what to look for and what to do.
I was actually falling a sleep for the first time in who knows how long - when she came in and told Ty and I that within 20 min's I was going to be taken back, given a C-Section, and have a baby! It was the scaryest thing! But everyone taking care of me (including Ty) were amazing and helped me settle down! Ty was by my side and watched the whole thing! The only bad part was that after Dylan was born I only got to see him for a couple of seconds - and then it was a hour before I could see and hold him.
Slowly but surely I'm starting to get back on my feet - and I'm able to do more and more each day.
OH - the other scary story - on Friday night Ty forgot to close one of our doors all the way and Timber ran away! Tim had been out and about for 6 hours by the time Ty came back and noticed. THANK GOODNESS one of our neighbors saw him and took him in. For a little I thought that I had just got a son and lost another! Pathetic I know - but I was really sad. BUT now all is well and we are one happy family!

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