Monday, May 05, 2008

New Me-h-i-co

This last weekend Ty and I ventured down to the far away land of New Mexico! Why you might ask - well Ty's brother Phil and sister-in-law Sarah live there. We were originally going to camp in Moab for the weekend - BUT the weather was not in our favor - and with 2 babies it would not have been fun at all for the mommies!

But we did stop in Moab......for gas! We always go to the Mavrick on Main St. and they have this really cool painting on the building next to it. There were SO many Jeeps! Made us just a little jealous!

But once we got to New Mexico it was all fun! Cousins got to play together and the adults got to gab and have fun! Ty went golfing and shooting with his brother! I went shopping! We went to have yummy Mexican Food! It was just so fun to relax and enjoy good company!

Dylan and Ivie took their baths together! It's becoming almost tradition!This was them the last time they took a bath together! It's been a while! So it was tons of fun!We also played tons of RockBand! It was really fun and addicting! We stayed up late each night rocking out to Bon Jovi!

We were glad to get home - sad to get back to reality! But we are deffinately going to get together again!

1 comment:

kirstensworld said...

How fun!! It's so great that you got to get away for the weekend! Hope the rest of your week is good too!