Friday, May 09, 2008

Finding the Photographer in Me!

So I've always liked taking pretty pictures. And a little while ago - Ty told me...."Adalynn - if you like taking pic's - do it!" So that is what I have started doing. Here are a few! Tell me what you think.....honestly!

These are Christina's Bridal's I did today!

These are just a few - there were so many it was so hard to pic just 1!

These next ones are of Dylan for his 1 year Birthday coming up in about a month!

And lastly - I experimented on Timber! For his portfolio!


Christine said...

I love the ones of Dylan!! He is so sweet! How did you get your dog to hold still so well? My parents have a beagle too but he is way hyper! Where did you do the bridals? It looks like where I did mine up by the state mental hospital and Seven peaks? I loved that location, and it was pretty cheap, too!

kirstensworld said...

They turned out great! I love christina's dress! i cna't wait until you come up here to do mine! Have you guys decided on a time when you can make it?