Friday, April 18, 2008


Sorry it's been so long since a post! I promise next time I will add pictures. Things have been a little crazy around my neck of the woods. Why you might ask - WELL
- My bestest friend Kirsten got engaged
- I've been working like crazy
- Trying to get my butt in shape for summer
- Planning a Yard Sale
- Studding Timber
- Finding new renters for our apartment
- Saleing the puppy! <-which happened way fast!
- Keeping track of Dylan.....he is every where........and has a thing with dog food!
- Babysitting my nephews!
The list could go on! ;) I'm enjoying it though! Tomorrow is our Yard Sale....wish me luck!


Christine said...

What will you be selling at your yard sale? We have been looking for a bookcase and would love to give my money to someone I know! Just let me know if you have when and if so, when and where. Thanks!

Christina said...

You need to add me