Sunday, June 10, 2007

Fun Fun Fun

So I finally got my husband back!!! He was suppose to fly out Monday - and his flight got canceled AGAIN! I was about to die! But then they switched him airlines and where he was flying to and I got him home around 11 o'clock Monday night!
Since then we've been busy with life. This last weekend we went to a Prenatal class at the hospital. Quite interesting to say the least. I did learn a lot of new things - so I think Ty and I are now ready to have Dylan!
Here are the picture's I promised - The Rocking Chair is my mother's day present! And this is the swing that my sister's got for me! So much fun!
This last week I also had my baby shower for work and got lots of cute clothes, diapers, and necessities!
Today is my mom's birthday - and we're about to leave for her party! She's 69 years old today! Happy Birthday Mom!


Nicolette said...

I've decided since I can't get down to you, that you need to send me a picture of you in your last few days of pregnancy. I'm serious. You wouldn't deny you friend would you? How's that going by the way. Did Dylan decide to fly right and trun around?

Adalynn said...

Hum - I think I could deny you of that - I'm so puffy it's terrible! And yes - Dylan turned and is head down! :)