Monday, June 04, 2007

Crazy Weekend!

Oh my goodness! I've made it.....kind of! This last weekend was a little crazy. Of course from my last blog - Ty was gone - so my sister Heather and my Neice Talley came to stay with me. They really did help me out a lot - making it so I didn't focus on the emptiness of the house.
On Saturday my sister bought a new truck so we spent the day finding just the right one.....which took all day - but it was worth it!
Then we noticed that I was swelling REALLY BAD - and just in one leg. I really did look like the Michelin Man....We actually measured my ankle and it was almost 11 inches - and that was after I had been laying down! SOOOOOO we called the dr. on call and she told me - just to be safer then sorrier to go to Labor and Delivery and get checked out. While there we found out that I'm ok - b/p was a little high - and I was having contractions every 5 min's! I had no idea - and couldn't feel any of them and they were pretty good ones. BUT they sent me home saying to lay down A LOT on my left side and lay off the salt :(

THEN on Sunday - TY was suppose to come home - but because of bad weather his flight was canceled :( Weather is worse today then it was yesturday - so everyone cross your fingers that he will be able to leave and come home!

The rest of this week should be fine - I'm having my work baby shower tomorrow and then then next day we are having a card making party! :) I'm such a girl! I'll keep everyone posted on the happen's though!


Dorothy said...

Scary! Good thing your sister was there to help you out. It's almost done and you can enjoy that salt again.

Nicolette said...