Thursday, August 21, 2008

Road Trip!

So - on Monday night - we got the call that we needed to go to Colorado! Since it was so last min. i and my sister Christina along with Dylan and my nephew Preston piled into her little car and headed over the mountains to Denver. It wasn't a planned trip and by any means AND to say the least in being there less then 1 day - Christina and I were stressed out to the max. It's kind of nice because we think the best way to releive stress is to laugh - so that was our goal the 2nd day!
Christina and I have always loved the scenic wallpaper - so we tried to take a walk into the woods......didn't quite work!
Around Denver they have these really cool statues! This is me trying to dance.....key word trying!
On our way home we had to stop for gas and found the grave of Buffalo Bill! Random.....yes! Cool.......yes!
Dylan riding a horse in the Buffalo Bill gift shop!Doesn't Dylan make a hot cowboy!
Right outside of Denver we saw this sign....only once! Is this Bambi's Dad?And we got to go through the Eisenhower Tunnel! Kind of cool!
We ended up getting home really late due to stopping a little more and trying to relax! I missed my husband and our little home sooooo much! Glad to be home!


kirstensworld said...

I'm glad the trip went smoothly and every one made it there and back in one piece! And I think Dylan makes a very hot cowboy!!

Harper said...

Your beagle blog is so cute! I've grown up with beagles ... they're the best! :)

Jess M said...

Wow that was a quick trip. We might be heading down your way today, if so, maybe we could grab something to eat and let the munchkins FINALLY meet. lol.