Friday, August 08, 2008

Happy Me!

So Aug. 5th was my birthday.....making me 26! Crazy huh? It was a great day - so many people called or stopped by to wish me a Happy Birthday! <- Thank you EVERYONE for the thoughtfulness! Ty also through me a surprise birthday party at 6 in the morning! He decorated the living room with streamers and balloons! He took me out to the living room and gave me my birthday card - then sang Happy Birthday....ah! Later on he took me out to dinner at Olive Garden (yum) and then to my most fav. spot - Barnes n' Noble. Yup I know - I'm a geek! I wasn't feeling the best (had a cold) so we didn't party too hard. We came home - blew out the TRICK candles (hence the smoke!) - and then cuddled up to a good movie after Dylan went to bed! It was so nice! I got to relax and be with the people I love - who could ask for more?


Jess M said...
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Jess M said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Wow, you're old, jk. I keep thinking it's closer to your aniversary. By the way Happy Aniversary EARLY, cuz it's gonna be a busy day, it's my sis-inlaws bday, my lil bros wedding and my friends wedding. (Not to mention, the day after my '2nd' wedding aniversary, lol, which some family and friends think is our 'real' one. hehehe)

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Christine said...

I'm glad to hear you had a great birthday, Adalynn! But you'd better be careful with all those candles that you don't burn the house down! ;)

Nicolette said...

so i was a little insane on your day, but i hope you know i was thinking of you.

kirstensworld said...

I'm so glad to hear that Ty really does have a sweet side! LOL love you guys, and I'm so glad that you had a great birthday! Just remember, no matter how old you get, I still have a year on you!