Saturday, November 17, 2007

Two Teeth and Sweet Potatoes

It's crazy watching Dylan grow! And this week has been a big week for him. He's started rolling from his back to his stomach - cut his 2nd tooth - AND started eating big boy food! I was probably more excited then he was :) He doesn't seem like the 5 month old that he almost is! Maybe it's because of the fact that he towers over most of the 10/12 month olds he is around. This is his first bite of Sweet Potatoes - he really did like it! By the end of his feeding he was grabbing my hand that was holding the spoon - and shoving it towards his open mouth! :)If you look close you can see his first tooth! Now he has the start of the 2nd right next to his 1st! And boy are they sharp!

1 comment:

Nicolette said...

Anna loved rice and sweet potatos. Now it's all about noodles. I love that stage. Sorry that you're living through teething. It ends someday.