Monday, November 05, 2007

New Baby!

So anyone who knows Ty and I knows that we love our dog Timber! Well lately we have been a little busy with our new baby - and we have felt like Timber feels a little left out. I talked with a few other fellow beagle lovers - and they told me that Tim would probably do good with another dog. So this weekend as I was headed to the store - I saw him! And after talking to his then owner - I got an amazing deal and couldn't say no!!! It's kind of frustrating to start over teaching Packer how to go outside, and how not to bark when we leave. BUT Timber really likes the new company and they play so good together. They do have two very different personalities! Packer is very tender - and all we have to do is say his name in a stearn voice and he runs to his kennel. When Tim was that young we had to do a little more - but he learned - and so will Packer!
Just incase you were wondering he was named after Ty's Hometown team the Green Bay Packers.......big surprise! :)

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