Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So 30 WEEKS and now it is almost a daily question that I get asked......."When is your baby due?" "Well THEY are not due till August!"............."TWINS!!!!!".................Me: "Yup!" And I know this conversation with random people is just going to become more frequent as my weeks slowly melt away. The twins are doing great though - and oddly I am feeling great to. I had it in my head that by now I would be so uncomfortable that I wouldn't be able to stand it - and that the Dr would be sentencing me to Bed rest! BUT quite the opposite! I'm up and running - and with our house on the market I've been busy cleaning, and packing away most of our things we don't use on a regular basis. *cross fingers* that this feeling can last forever! :)
In other news Ty, Dylan, and Timber are doing great! Ty is busy working, playing softball, and cleaning up the yard! And Dylan is just my little man who is trying to talk more and more each day! Crazy to think that in about a month he will be 2! Any who - more pic's to come!


Angela S said...

Wow girl! Thats nuts! I'm so glad you're feeling good and we'll keep praying you stay that way. You look fantastic!!!

Nicolette said...

You look so cute. You inspire me with only one in my belly I shouldn't complain.