Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekend Fun!

So this weekend went by WAY too fast! We had a lot of fun! Ty's brother Phil and sis-in-law Sarah came up from New Mexico - and invited us to go boating with them! It was a great day to be out on the lake - and Ty did pretty good! Showing off his mad skills!
Waiting in the water!
Dylan was a trooper - and even took a nap while we were out! While I got toasted and came home looking like a lobster - it just made his tan deeper! Why can't I have those genetics?
Ty drying off - and looking as cool as ever! ;)
In other news - Dylan is standing up - not walking yet - but standing next to everything!

I forgot to put this on the last post but Timber had another girlfriend over! It was so fun to have her for the weekend! Any ways - her due date is Sep 5th - and we will have pick of the litter!

Last night he had a lot of fun - when our neighbor came over and told us he needed Timber! We looked out side and saw animal control all down our street (at 10pm!) So we took him out - I guess we have a racoon problem! Well - Timber found them and was going CRAZY with the smell! We were hoping to have animal control help us get them out of the tree (Ty was talking hard to get them tazzered, and then make hats out of them!) But they wouldn't do anything other then set traps! No fun! :(


Nicolette said...

Ummm is Ty bald?

kirstensworld said...

LOL Dusty is going to love the new hair cut!! ;) I can't believe you have raccoons, that is insane! And yay to Dylan for standing, and Ty for 2nd place! Love you guys!