Monday, January 14, 2008

Waking Up

Waking up is what I've been trying to do for the last few weeks. I've had a nasty sinus infection/junk that has really taken it's toll on me. I got it I think from taking Dylan outside so much when he had the croup. I've been stubborn and not went to the Dr's saying that I will be strong. BUT wow - this sickness is really kicking my butt. Every time I think I'm getting better - I'll get this HUGE headache along with a fever and I'll be right back where I started. It makes me want to sit in a hot tub all day - or sleep - maybe the combination of the two :).
It's to the point that I haven't really done the laundry in a LONG time, taken a shower before 11 am, done both my hair and make-up in one day, and biggest of all I haven't written my New Year Resolution's (which I always do).

I think I just need to force myself out of this and I'll be ok - cross your fingers for me.

In other news.......

I did cut my hair (gasp) I know - it was actually getting really long. BUT it was falling out like crazy - like I was going through Chemo crazy. I thought that cutting it short would help. All it has helped with is the clean up - instead of long hairs to clean up - they are short. I like it to right now. A little less to deal with each day.
Here are a few fun pic's I've taken. My little webcam is a good entertainer when I have my nephews over.
My FaV - The EYE!


Nicolette said...

If you stopped taking pre natel Vitiams and are still nursing that can do it. I lost a bit(okay more than that) of hair and I found that the vitiams really helps.

Dorothy said...

Don't you just love those webcams? As for waking up, good luck. My best solution has been to make plans- a date you have to get the house ready for, friends coming over, whatever. Then you have to get up and get things ready for your fun whatever.