Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thanksgiving's Done on To Christmas

So we survived Thanksgiving! It was a lot of fun (and i forgot my camera) - we went over to my cousin KayLynn's house in Eagle Mountain. My Aunt Kayleen was there along with my Uncle Neal and 4 of their kids and all of their kids, kids. In total there was about 40 people when all was said and done. Made for a tight quarters - but it was fun catching up with everyone. It was really nice cause Ty got off of work a little early and got to have some turkey!
Black Friday was fun too. I was invited to do with my cousins - BUT - they were waking up at 4:30 in the morning- and that didn't sound too fun after being up so late. So I passed - but woke up a little late and still got a lot of good deals. One of the best things is Ty and I got a microwave - it was only $35 and we got a little AM/FM radio thing that you can hook up your ipod to. So I call the day a success!
Now we are just trying to recover from everything - and get ready for the next week when we have to go back to reality! :(

Below is the picture I promised from the Hot Date last week. Ty painted Frosty and I painted Santa.

1 comment:

Nicolette said...