Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Hot Date!

This last Saturday Ty and I didn't have much going on - so out of the blue he told me to go get dressed in my most favorite outfit - do my hair and make-up cause we were going out. I had no idea what we were going to do - but we went out on a date! FIRST he took me to this place called Color Me Mine - it is a little shop that you can color ceramic peices and they fire them and gloss them for you! Kinda cute.

I forgot to take a pic. of my ceramic - but we get them on Wed. so I will take a pic and post it.

THEN he took me to Barnes and Noble's and we looked around - picked out some Christmas books and read them to see which one we want for our Christmas book that we will read each Christmas Eve. We narrowed it down to the Polar Express and this one.

We will see - we still have a month to figure it out!

But it was fun to get out and feel human again! :)

1 comment:

Nicolette said...

congrats on the date. those are nice to have every once in a while.