Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Twinner News!

So I had my appointment today with the specialist - and as always I got to see how my little guys are doing. AND - all is well! Baby A is weighing in at 1 lb 7 oz and Baby B is 1lb 9 oz! They have perfect measurements and all the concerns they saw before have gone away! Here are a few pic's that we got. They were both being a little difficult so I will have to explain them! This one is a 3d - baby had both his arms up by his face - and his wrists were cris-crossed. You can see one of his hands at the top. AND you can almost see a profile! What he has his arms against is the membrane that seperates him and his brother - you can see how thin it is!
This one you can see a nose and mouth shot. It is like baby is looking down at us!

This is a foot. It's upside down and sideways! They have grown so much since I last saw them!

AND this one is my fav! Their noses are almost touching! And this is how they were most of the time - it was like they were talking to each other face to face - so cute! Any who - it was a great day!


Kara said...

Aw, how sweet :)

Christina said...

The picture of the nose and lips are cool! They look like they have grown! Taylor saw how many days you have left and think its a lot! Easter was fun. We need to do it again soon.