Sunday, December 03, 2006

Fun Week

This week was really busy for us and really fun.... For the most part. On Monday night I got to go with Ben, Christina and the Boys to a Siblings class at the hospital. It was just a class to teach the kids about babies and what is going to happen when my sister has my little neice Haylee!
It was SO cute the questions that they were asking. And especially how they described how the baby got food inside mommy's belly. Taylor said that there was a "straw thing that goes into the babies mouth" :) So fun!

They got to practice holding the baby too! Oh so cute!

Friday we found out that Ty is going in for surgery on the 20th of Dec. To get his ACL fixed. After that he will be off of work for 6 weeks and can't lift over 25 lbs for 3 months. It will be interesting to say the least! Kind of cramp plans for Christmas and New Years - but it is better to get this over and done with as soon as possible!

Saturday my sister Heather graduate from Hygenist School! She will get her license in February and move down with Lance and the kids to Arizona! We'll be sure and visit them where it is nice and warm!

Tonight we are having dinner with my friend Megan who is also going to a warmer place! She'll leave next Sat. for California!


Nicolette said...

So Philip and I are thinking of visiting UT over the Christmas break. No plans are deffenent yet, but if we did would you and your injured hubby be interested in a visit?

Adalynn said...

we would love to have visitors! make it feal more like christmas and less like sick leave!

Angela S said...

So whats the plan with work b/c doesn't he clean carpets or own his own business? I'm sorry I'm crappy and sick and can't remember stuff. Anyway, I think its funny that we've become friends since you know I've only seen you in person twice. You're great, tell Ty we'll be praying.

Adalynn said...

That's the not so fun part - he can't work at all - and he doesn't have any paid time off (and yes he does clean carpets)- so I get to go and get a second job. It will only be for a little! But you gotta do what ya gotta do sometimes!
Yeah - if you are one of Nicky's friends you are one of my friends - that's how it goes ;)