Friday, March 26, 2010


So as most everyone knows I had a short stay in the hospital after a big scare. I'm totally normal ;) BUT I now know that I have what is called a PFO. Patent Foramen Ovale.

I was seriously sitting on my bed waiting for the Dr. to come in and tell me I was good to go home. When he walked in and said "Well it looks like you have a hole in your heart!"....."WHAT?" Everyone that had talked to me before that point had made it sound like there was nothing wrong with my tests and that the stroke probably happened for no known reason. WELL - they were wrong. The Dr. has put me on 2 medication (for the rest of my life) AND I now have a Cardiologist and Neurologist that I'm going to become great friends with.

This is a picture of what my heart mostlikely looks like. I won't lie - all of this has been a lot to wrap my mind around. And I haven't been happy knowing that I'll have to take meds for the rest of my life. I've always been the person that won't take the meds unless I HAVE TO. I won't go to the dr. until I HAVE TO. And here I HAVE TO do all of this for the rest of my life. BUT I won' t let this get to me. I'm greatful that I'm normal - that I won't have any lasting effects from all of this, and that I get to be a Mom to my kids. There were some moments that were very scary that I didn't think I would be the mom that I had been - very eye opening.

I want to thank all my family, friends, family, and neighbors for all the love and support. I'm blessed.


Kara said...

We are so glad you are ok and that it is treatable with meds. How scary that must have been to go through.

Nicolette said...

Ahhhh so scary! Get some rest and lots of hugs from your little men.

Jess M said...

Poor Adalynn. Talk about a huge scare. But at least meds will help, maybe you would prefer an operation instead, but meds everyday for the rest of your life isn't that bad (I will be on steroid drops for the rest of my life -in the right eye at least- since the infection caused rejection- hopefully wont have that with the left as well- and I have been on meds for colon polyps for the last 8 yrs and will continue until I decide to have the other surgery- last 6 inches of large intestine would be removed and would make a pouch out of the small intestine, but then I would be afraid that something would go wrong and don't want a bag-- eew.) I know what ya mean, I hate going to drs too unless it's absolutely neccessary, but hopefully your new drs will be amazing and it wont seem so awful having to go all the time. Hope you won't have another stroke. Hang in there, you are amazing and can get past anything thrown your way. Luv ya.

Angela S said...

My father in law has a hole in his heart too which freaked us out when we found out but he said they didn't find it til he was an adult and I guess they aren't stressed about it.

I'm so glad you have answers!

Kara said...

I have to tell you I was sick to my stomach when I read your post! (or tys) I am so glad you are ok!

Chelsie and Trace said...

I'm so glad your ok. That is so scary.