Timber Rufus Barkley
As therapy to me and a tribute to the 4 years we had with Timber I thought I would "highlight" some facts/memories about him!
- Timber was born Sep 7, 2005 in Highland, UT
- He thought he was a human.....no seriously he did!
- He ALWAYS liked to sleep on my side of the bed!
- He was my protector! Even though he was more of a lover then fighter he always made me feel safe when Ty was working long hours.
- 1 week before we moved out of our first apartment he tore up the carpet in our room - all the way down through the pad! (ah memories!)
- His favorite toy was a small toy Snoopy!
- He was well traveled - he had been to Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah (all over), and New Mexico.
- He LOVED the snow!
- Cat's DID NOT like him at all! ;)
- He was Ty and I's first born!
- I would always joke about making Beagle Soup out of him- just to see what my nephews would say! Worked everytime!
- Thing I'll miss the most - Lazy afternoon naps with him and how he would always warm my feet up! :)
If any one in Utah happens to see him - PLEASE let us know! :o)