Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What we've been up to

So to prove to everyone that we have more going on - then just the twins! I decided to take a few pictures of what we've been up to the past couple of weeks. First off - Ty's brother Dave was in Ogden on a job - so each weekend he would come down and spend it with us. It was fun to get to know him and show him a little of Utah. We went to Cabella's and showed him the fish! They are huge - I also got to try Bison - not too bad!

K - this makes us look like really big nerds - but we put this puzzle together! 2000 pieces - it took us about a month but we got the Las Vegas strip together!

Ty - has also been getting his motorcycle good to go. It is quite the process! But it is going to save us a lot of money - so we are happy - and he looks pretty cool in all his gear! ;)
And Dylan likes to do whayever daddy does - he looks pretty cute in the helmet too!And even though it has been a little cold here - Spring is still on it's way. This is our apricot tree! Now I know where the song comes from -Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!

Then last but not least - here is the latest belly pick! I had just got home from work so that is why I look so.....glowing in my scrubs! 21 weeks down- 18 to go!


kirstensworld said...

How fun! I miss you guys so much! Can't wait until we can get away for a visit, not in the hospital!

Melissa said...

You looks so cute. I love the belly pics.

Nicolette said...

Looking good! Nice to hear from you. I know you're busy.